
Volunteer Screening/Renewal Completion Due: December 1st

Who are 4-H Volunteers?

4-H volunteers are unpaid representatives of the Extension Unit for which they provide services. A volunteer is an adult or teen who has successfully completed the Kansas 4-H Volunteer process, including 4-H Online Application, screening, and orientation, and has been appointed by the local Extension Board.

Serving as a 4-H adult volunteer is a privilege, not a right. Volunteers serve at the request of the Extension Board and are managed/supervised by the local agent(s) or a designee responsible for 4-H. The local Board may restrict the initial or continued participation of volunteers in the 4-H program. Volunteer service in the 4-H program beyond the local level is contingent upon volunteer status at the local unit.

All volunteers must be registered and comply with the 4-H Volunteer Code of Ethics. Volunteers who assist with a single program or short-term learning activity are not required to complete the volunteer process.

Types of Volunteers

Kansas 4-H Volunteer- Adults providing supervision to youth at a 4-H program; make decisions on behalf of the 4-H program; have access to private data of 4-H members or volunteers; and/or handle funds as part of 4-H must complete the volunteer screening process, be accepted, and enrolled as a Kansas 4-H volunteer.

These positions will include, though may not be limited to:

Organizational Club Leaders

Chaperons for any overnight events

Camp Volunteers

Volunteers who will have access to funds raised on behalf of 4-H

Volunteers who will have access to confidential records or information

Application Process Steps include: 4-H Online profile and application, Reference Checks, Criminal History, Interview, Orientation, and Approval

Adult Helper- An adult helper is someone who gives their time and/or expertise to 4-H education programs or activities and who will either not be in direct contact with children or youth or who will only be in situations directly supervised by paid and/or screened, experienced volunteer/staff.

These positions will include, though may not be limited to:

Guest speaker/presenter

Concession stand workers for single events

Presentation Judges

Fashion Revue Judges

Application Process Steps include: 4-H Program staff member keeps names on file for adult helpers (e.g., food stand sign-up or sign-in form kept in food stand file; project day presenters list kept in project day file; guest speaker listed on club meeting agenda). Kansas 4-H Volunteers serving as club leaders are asked to track club level adult helpers.

4-H Youth Participants- Youth in the 4-H program often engage in leadership and volunteer experiences as part of their 4-H program participation. When participating in a defined role where additional vetting is needed, best practice for process steps include the creation of a 4HOnline profile (application), reference checks, an interview, a defined position description, and orientation. The camp counselor role is one example of a defined leadership role where a defined vetting process has been established.

Note: A youth application cannot require the collection of social security numbers.

Volunteer Screening Process

This is a self-guided process that volunteers may complete at their own pace. All 4-H Volunteer Renewals are due for completion by December 1 of the current 4-H year.

New Volunteers/ 3 Year Re-Screen Volunteers

1) Create an account/enroll (or add yourself as an adult to your current "Family" account) in 4-H Online. When you submit your enrollment through 4-H Online your enrollment status will reflect as "Pending".

4H Online


2) Complete the online Criminal Background Check (CBC) through Validity Screening Solutions (Click Here). You will be required to create an account. After you create a user account you will be sent an email from Validity Screening Solutions, which will allow you to create a password and login to complete the CBC.

3) Notify the Extension Office when you have completed the CBC online by emailing Hali at halib@ksu.edu or by calling the office at 620-364-5313.

4) Complete Orientation in 4-H Online. Login to your profile. Select the “Trainings” tab. Register for volunteer orientation and complete the videos. The orientation takes about 30 minutes to complete.

5) Notify the Extension Office once you’ve completed the online orientation.

Renewing Volunteers

1) Re-enroll using your existing 4-H Online account. Please do NOT create a new account. If you have forgotten or misplaced your password or user name then you may contact Hali at halib@ksu.edu to reset your information. Once you have submitted your 4-H Online re-enrollment your status will reflect as "pending".


Registered Volunteers must complete the entire volunteer screening process every 3 years in order to continue volunteering. Please contact the Extension Office if you are unsure of your renewal year.

Volunteer Resources

Community Leader- Strengthening Clubs 1

Community Leader- Strengthening Clubs 2

Project Leader

Volunteer Code of Ethics