Agronomy Contact
Jill Barnhardt
Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent & 4-H Coffey County
225 Cross St, PO Box 269 Burlington, KS 66839
Phone : (620) 364-5313
Fax : (620) 364-5117
Coffey County is located in the east central area of Kansas approximately 80 miles from the Missouri line to the east and 100 miles from the Oklahoma border to the south. At the altitude of 1700 feet above sea level and receiving 37 inches of annual rainfall, the 335,000 acres in farms relies primarily on natural rainfall. Currently around 176,340 acres of crops are devoted to Soybeans, Corn, Wheat, Hay and some grain sorghum as well being harvested.
Soybeans are produced on approximately 70,000 of the county's acres . On average around 1.5 million bushels of the oil grain are produced at a value near $15 million ranking Coffey County in the top 10 of all the counties in the state in soybean production.
Around 30,000 to 35,000 acres of Corn are harvested annually in the county with a farm value of near $12 million dollars annually. An increasing portion of the crop is utilized by area ethanol production plants in the production of that renewable fuel..
General Pubs & Field day / Annual Research Reports
- Crop Performance Tests
- Establishing On-Farm Demonstration / Research Plots
- Kansas Crop Planting Guide
- KSU Field Crop Tissue Test Sample Guide
- Plant Tissue Testing
Grain Production
- Soybean Production Handbook
- Soybean Rust Information
- Corn Production Handbook
- Diagnosing Corn Production Problems in Kansas
- Narrow Row Corn Production in Kansas
- Drilled Early Corn Plant Populations
- Hail Damage to Bt Corn
- Ethanol Production
- Grain Sorghum Production Handbook
- How Sorghum Plant Develops
- Diagnosing Sorghum Problems in Kansas
- Kansas Wheat Production Handbook
- Diagnosing Wheat Production Problems in Kansas
- Harvesting Wheat
- Spring Freeze Injury to Kansas Wheat
- Dual Purpose Wheat Production
Industrial Hemp Production
Kansas Crop Insects & Controls
K-State Pesticide Safety Education / Applicator Information
Weeds and Herbicides
Aquatic Plants and Their Control
Residual Herbicides, Degradation, and Recropping Intervals
Managing to Minimize Atrazine Runoff
Glyphosate Stewardship: Optimizing and Preserving Glyphosate Performance
Sericea Lespedeza: History, Characteristics and Identification
Field Bindweed: Control in Field Crops and Fallow
Tillage / Equipment
Getting the Most From Your Tractor
Organic Crop Production
KSU IPM / Organic Farming Info