Soil Nutrient Testing

Tips on Taking Soil Nutrient Test Samples:

1. Use a soil probe or shovel to sample the soil to a depth of root zone, 6-12 and a separate set of samples 12 -24 inches for a soil profile test.

2. Take at least 15-20 samples from across the field. Separate sampling of "areas of concern" is recommended. Then mix the samples in a plastic (avoid galvanized) bucket for a representative sample of the area(s) being tested. (soil sampling probe is available at the Extension Office)

3. Bring in one pint of the mixture (in a plastic bag - air dried) to the Coffey County Extension office at 110 S 6th St, Burlington, KS 66839. Label each bag with your name, intended crop and other pertinent information. (Soil sample bags and information sheets are available at the Extension Office)

4. Samples are sent to K-State for analysis. In about two weeks you will be contacted with test results and recommendations

Cost: Coffey County NRCS District has a cost share program to Soil sample for nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, pH & organic matter levels. Depending on tests requested and associated costs a producer may have several soil tests ran at no cost to them. Contact the Exension Office for more details and how to take advantage of this excellent opportunity.

Soil Fertility