Lawn and Garden

The Coffey County K-State Research and Extension office is your front door to the resources of Kansas State University. Through our office you can obtain information on trees, turf, shrubs, insects, gardens, and other related topics. We also provide services such as insect identification, plant identification, and soil tests with fertilizer recommendations.



To learn more please visit the K-State Research and Extension Lawn and Garden homepage.


Vegetable Garden Planting Guide

Kansas Garden Guide

Annual Flowers

Prairie Star Annual Flowers

Fertility & Fertilizing


Tips on Taking Soil Nutrient Test Samples:

1. Use a soil probe or shovel to sample the soil profile to a depth of 3 inches for lawns, 6 inches for vegetables or annual flowers.

2. Take at least 5 samples from the garden or lawn area, then mix the samples in a plastic bucket for a representative sample of the area. Bring separate samples for lawns, vegetables, flower beds etc.

3. Bring in one pint of the mixture (in a plastic bag - air dried) to the Coffey County Extension Office at 225 Cross Street. Label each bag with your name, intended crop and other pertinent information

4. Samples are sent to K-State for analysis. In about two weeks you will be contacted with test results and recommendations